In line with the examinations we have made in the sector, we have tried to approach the quality of hand-made dough as much as possible by examining how you hand-made dough-making process and created DORUK T-1000.
The surface on which the dough is opened is 2 cm in diameter and 95 cm in marble. The rollers that open the dough are made of 60mm 304 chrome filled material. Our rollers are supported on both sides and provide a complete opening without stretching over the doughs. The outer cover plates of our machine are made of 1.20mm 304 quality stainless steel. The settings of our machine can be made easily from the color touch LCD screen on the panel located in front of the machine.
Another feature of DORUK T-1000 dough rolling machine is to interfere with the rotation time of the marble and give the dough the shape you want (round, ellipse, square). Due to the small dimensions of our dough rolling machine (Width: 160cm x Length: 160cm Height: 80cm), it takes up very little space. Up and down movement of our roller is made much more sensitive by using servo motor technology.